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Willis Buzby Obituary

Willis J. Buzby, 67, well-known resident of the pines, died suddenly at his home in Chatsworth late Wednesday night from a heart attack. Discovery of his death was made by his wife, Elsie M., when she went to his bedroom on Thursday morning to learn why he did not appear as usual. His passing came as a distinct shock to residents of Woodland township and the entire county. He had a large circle of warm friends. Mr. Buzby was the owner of a general store in Chatsworth since he was about 20 years of age, and was one of the best informed men in the community in reference to the history of the pines. He could relate incidents about the old towns that have disappeared–Mary Ann Forge, Harrisia, Glass House, Little Pine Hill, Martha, etc., the ruins of old furnaces, lumber, glass and charcoal industries. Mr. Buzby was a charter member of Mount Holly Lodge of Elks; Pemberton Lodge No. 99, F. and A. M.; Crescent Temple, Trenton; Excelsior Consistory, Collingswood; Tabernacle Jr. O. U. A. M., Chatsworth P. O. S. of A., and Mount Holly Tall Cedars. The Elks conducted burial services at his late residence on Saturday night and the Masonic Lodge on Sunday. Funeral services were conducted on Sunday afternoon by Rev. J. N. Messler, of Trenton, Mr. Buzby’s brother-in-law; Rev. Clarence Woodmansie, of Barnegat, and Rev. Robert Howe, of Chatsworth. Pallbearers were Joseph Holloway, Garfield Holloway, Fred Dunfee, Jr., and Albert Stevenson, representing the Masonic Lodge at Pemberton, and Dr. Joseph E. Eden and Albert B. LeDuc, representing Mount Holly Lodge of Elks. Mr. Buzby is survived by his widow, a son, John, of Chatsworth, and a married daughter who lives in Oregon.

Posted in the New Jersey Mirror, January 11, 1939